Panel and paper presentations at the ECPR General Conference 2023

Giorgio Varanini chaired the panel “Critical Approaches to Bioeconomy Politics and Policy” at the ECPR General Conference 2023. The panel placed special emphasis on trade-offs, risks, and resilience in the transition towards the bioeconomy, adopting a comparative perspective on bioeconomy development both in developing and developed countries. Mr. Varanini contributed to the panel with the paper “Explaining Weak Salience of Resilience Challenges in Bioeconomy Strategies: A Cross Regional Comparative Analysis”, co-authored with Nicolai Schulz, Melina Proestou and Peter Feindt. The paper aims to explain why the salience of environmental resilience concerns is low in bioeconomy strategies, comparing the bioeconomy strategies of Germany, Ireland, Italy, Malaysia, South Africa and the United Kingdom. Moreover, Mr. Varanini presented the paper “Policy Design for Resilience? The Maize Bio-based Production System in Italy and Bioeconomy Policy Design” in the panel “The resilience discourse in agricultural and food policy – a policy window for innovative food production systems?”