email: nicolai.schulz(at)
phone: +49(0)30 2093 46313
fax : +49(0)30 2093 46321
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Department für Agrarökonomie
Fachgebiet Agrar- und Ernährungspolitik
Philippstraße 13 – Haus 12 A
D-10115 Berlin
BIOPOLISTA: Bioeconomy Policy Implementation in Bioeconomy States – The Junior Research Group addresses the lack of a comprehensive perspective on the implementation of bioeconomy policies by combining policy analysis approaches with the historical-institutionalist concept of the „bioeconomy state“. On this basis, it examines divergent patterns and causes of bioeconomy policy implementation successes and failures within and across six countries with significant bioeconomies and emerging bioeconomy states (namely, Colombia, France, Germany, Malaysia, South Africa, and the United States of America). Duration: March 2023 – February 2028.
Journal Articles
Other Publications